Collection / 2202 Soft Knit for Women / No. 2 


Work slipover from neck down in Sunday and Tynn Silk Mohair. 

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    Begin to cast on sts for the back, work this back and
    forth with inc for armholes, and end with ribbing.
    Knit up sts on each shoulder for left and right front.
    Inc towards armhole side before the fronts are joined
    tog. Work front back and forth with inc for armholes,
    and end with ribbing at hem. Cast on sts for armhole
    band as follows: By the help of a crochet hook cast on
    sts for tie band, cont to knit up sts at armhole edge on
    back/front, ending by cast on sts for tie band by help
    of crochet hook at end of row. Work armhole bands
    and tie bands in ribbing, and work Italian cast-off.
    Work neck and fold double. Work slipover with double
    yarn (= 1 strand SUNDAY + 1 strand TYNN SILK

    • Knitting Needles: Knitting Needle no. 3½
    • Knitting tension: 23 sts = 10 cm

    The number of balls is based on the given dimensions. If you want longer garments, please remember that you may need extra yarn.

      One size
    SUNDAY Mørk gråblå 6581: 4
    TYNN SILK MOHAIR Svart 1099: 4

    The sizes are indicative and it is recommended to take measurements of the person who is going to wear the garment. The given dimensions are calculated according to the specified knitting tension.

      One size
    Width front: 43  cm
    Width back: 43  cm
    Length: 46  cm, or suitable length

    *** Medium

    Read more about the degree of difficulty here.