We design several collections every year, throughout the seasons; spring, summer, fall and winter. In utilizing the variety of wool qualities alpaca, cotton, viscose, wool and linen gives our design department is provided endless possibilities exploring and optimizing form and expression.
Single pattern / 24 JulChristmas Tree MittensFritidsgarn
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 8Brendan Sweater Man TweedTweed Recycled
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 7Harvey Sweater ManTynn Peer Gynt
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 6Hipster beanieAlpakka Følgetråd / Alpakka ull
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 5Brendan Sweater ManAlpakka Følgetråd / Tynn Peer Gynt
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 4Matthew Sweater ManPeer Gynt
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 3Charlie BeanieAlpakka Følgetråd / Alpakka ull
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 2Dave sweater manPoppy
Single pattern / 2412 Mr. / No. 1William Sweater ManAlpakka Følgetråd / Sunday
Single pattern / 2410 Norwegian Icons / No. 6Polar-light sweater for menFritidsgarn
Single pattern / 2410 Norwegian Icons / No. 5Kleiva sweater for menTynn Peer Gynt
Single pattern / 2410 Norwegian Icons / No. 3Marius sweater for menPeer Gynt
Single pattern / 24 / 3Sunny CrossoverTykk Line
Single pattern / 2403 DIY / No. 8Must-have beanieDouble Sunday
Single pattern / Julegrynet / Nr. 2ChristmasgrynetFritidsgarn
Collection / Tema 77 Christmas / No. 13JOEL MITTENSFritidsgarn
Collection / Theme 75 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 8Marius sweater menPeer Gynt
Collection / Theme 75 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 7Nøstebu cardigan menTynn Peer Gynt
Collection / Theme 75 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 5Tinde men sweaterFritidsgarn
Collection / Theme 75 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 4Fana sweater menAlpakka ull
Collection / Theme 75 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 2Meldal cardigan menSisu
Collection / 2214 Tweed / No. 7GUERNSEY SWEATER MENTweed Recycled
Collection / 2214 Tweed / No. 3WILBUR SWEATER MENTweed Recycled
Collection / Theme 74 Marius Christmas / No. 5CLASSIC MARIUS MENFritidsgarn
Collection / Theme 74 Marius Christmas / No. 3BCHUNKY MARIUS MENBørstet Alpakka / Kos
Collection / Theme 74 Marius Christmas / No. 3ACHUNKY MARIUS MENBørstet Alpakka / Kos
Collection / 2212 Tynn Peer Gynt / No. 11GUERNSEY SWEATER MENTynn Peer Gynt
Collection / 2212 Tynn Peer Gynt / No. 10GUERNSEY SWEATER MENTynn Peer Gynt
Collection / 2212 Tynn Peer Gynt / No. 2KELLY GENSER MENTynn Peer Gynt
Collection / Theme 72 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 13NORDSJØ MEN SWEATERPeer Gynt
Collection / Theme 72 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 11SLALOM SWEATER MENPeer Gynt
Collection / Theme 72 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 9MYRDAL CARDIGAN MENPeer Gynt
Collection / Theme 72 Norwegian Icons - Adults / No. 2GRYNET SWEATER MENFritidsgarn
Collection / Theme 69 Christmas / No. 17Double slippersFritidsgarn
Collection / 2111 Double Sunday / No. 4Herman SweaterDouble Sunday
Collection / 2111 Double Sunday / Nr. 10Lynns SweaterDouble Sunday
Collection / 2111 Double Sunday / No. 7Skipper HatDouble Sunday
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 12Lundekvam Cardigan MenSisu
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 11Islender MenPeer Gynt
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 8Polar Star MenFritidsgarn
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 6Marius MenPeer Gynt
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 5Lundekvam Ladies CardiganSisu
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 4Guro LadiesFritidsgarn
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 3Valldal MenPeer Gynt
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 2Valldal LadiesSisu
Collection / Tema 68 Norwegian Icons adults / No. 1Valldal MenSisu
Collection / The Norwegian Trekking Association / DNT-09KobberhaugenPeer Gynt
Collection / The Norwegian Trekking Association / DNT-07LyngørKos